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A focus on prevention

Diabetes has a huge impact on the individual and those around them.

Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa (previously Diabetes Projects Trust) has been delivering services focused on preventing diabetes and its complications for nearly 30 years. The Foundation emphasises partnership with the community to achieve better health for present and for future generations.

Latest News

On our blog you will find the latest news at Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa - new programmes, new research projects and more.

Making healthy kidneys a priority

The Kidney Society team is small, but they do amazing mahi providing support to people (and their whanau and supporters) living with kidney disease in the community.  Manager of Diabetes FoundationRead more

Travelling, security, and diabetes

This came across the desk recently from NZSSD.   It was an excellent reminder that people with diabetes have extra considerations when travelling.  Some of the questions that might be askedRead more

Congratulations Doctor Cassie

We are so excited for, and proud of, our team member Cassie Slade.  Thanks to her amazing mahi she has graduated this year with a PhD in Human nutrition.  Cassie is responsible for the GetWize2HealRead more

The South Auckland Diabetes Summit returns for 2024

After not having had a kanohi ki te kanohi or face-to-face event for a couple of years (the last two were online) we have fantastic news.  We have confirmed a date for the 2024 South AucklandRead more

Presentation at NZSSD - renal disease in young adults with type-2-diabetes

Congratulations to Kanchana Perera for an excellent oral presentation, "Risk of renal disease progression in young adults with type-2-diabetes" at the 2024 NZSSD conference in Christchurch last week.Read more

NZSSD Conference 2024 - Christchurch

Another excellent NZSSD (New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes) meeting, held this year in Christchurch at the beautiful Te Pae Christchurch events centre.    There were plenty of excellentRead more

Richard Main and Gardens4Health - Auckland Council video

This lovely short video from the Community Innovation team at Auckland Council.   It provides a two minute peek at some of the mahi of Richard Main in his role leading Gardens4Health, and talks toRead more

He Whenua Rongo - Indigenous Seed, Soil and Food Sovereignty Symposium

Ali and Tania from the Gardens4Health team attended the He Whenua Rongo - Indigenous Seed, Soil and Food Sovereignty Symposium, at Papatūānuku Kokiri Marae in Mangere.  Here they learned moreRead more

Strategic Planning Meeting 2024

Last Friday was another high energy annual strategy planning session for the Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa Board of Trustees.    Thanks to the team at Previously Unavailable for being amazing hosts Read more

We have a YouTube Channel

We've finally sorted out somewhere to keep our video content all in one place.    Our YouTube channel will soon start being loaded with videos...some historical gems (did we really look likeRead more

The GetWize2Health Manual...latest incarnation

Hot off the press is the latest version of the GetWize2Health (GW2H) 'Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity teaching resource' for secondary schools.    Congratulations to Schools FacilitatorRead more

Professor Simmons - Inaugural Chief Medical Officer for Diabetes Australia

Our congratulations to our very own Professor David Simmons, original founder of Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa in South Auckland back in the 1990s, and current Patron.  He's been appointed as theRead more

Who we are

Our team serves the community and works inside the community to help prevent diabetes through our many programmes, funded by the Ministry of Health.

What we do

Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa serves the following needs:
  • Develops and delivers health promotion programs
  • Research and evaluation services
  • Resource design
  • Advocacy
  • Capacity building and community development 

Our programmes

Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa offers a range of programmes and activities across Auckland which aim to prevent diabetes and its complications.


We have a range of resources on our site for individuals with diabetes, families of individuals with diabetes, health professionals and for whoever else may want access to them. They are free and downloadable for you. 

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