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Publication - Diabetes treatment satisfaction among a multi-ethnic Aotearoa New Zealand population

This publication follows up a multi-centre trial conducted in general practices and diabetes clinic sites across Aotearoa New Zealand, of which Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa was one (researchers on-site Kate Smallman and Patricia Harry).   The study was led by Rinki Murphy, our Clinical Director at the time, and included both urban and rural regions.   The aim for this part of the study was to "assess whether diabetes treatment satisfaction differs by ethnicity ...

October 15, 2024

Summit 2024 is done - thanks to everyone involved!

What a special event our fourth summit focusing on 'disparities' turned out to be on the 26th of September. We've been left with so much to reflect on after the experience.  There will be more information to follow but in the meantime we wanted to say thanks so much to everyone who attended, presented or spoke, funded, provided service for, or sent best wishes.   Special appreciation to Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae for their hospitality and sharing their beautiful space. Tha...

October 1, 2024

Summit 2024 is nearly here!

We are nearly ready to open registrations for our 2024 Diabetes Summit.  We are thrilled that we are going to be welcomed onto Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa Marae at Auckland Airport on the evening of 26 September.   This is the 4th Summit we have run, each of which has had a different theme.  This time the theme running through the presentations from the excellent lineup of speakers is about disparity, something that in health has the potential to affect every aspect of diagnosis,...

September 5, 2024

Live Lightly collaboration - new recipe booklet for Plant based eating for sustainability

An exciting collaboration with the amazing forward-thinking people at Live Lightly at Auckland Council.    Have a look at the new recipe booklet done by the team, and check out the other Live Lightly activities aimed at more sustainable living.   Our community gardening with Gardens4Health fits right in here too.   Read about how eating more 'plant-powered' foods for health, also helps the environment....

September 3, 2024

Do you want to support our efforts to prevent diabetes and its complications?

Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa has been working in the community for nearly 30 years to reduce the incidence of diabetes, and diabetes complications.   We run a range of programmes, carry out research, design resources, and advocate for improvements.  There is more information on what we do on our website here.To do the work we do, requires ongoing support from our community.   Examples of this include people stepping up to be trained to deliver prevention activities thems...

August 27, 2024

Nurse Prescriber change, some nurses can prescribe more diabetes medications

Nurses (and health) have come a long way in recent years thanks to the amazing mahi of committed people who had the vision and courage and sheer stickability to push for change.   Prescribing of essential medications by nurses is one important change.  The Aotearoa College of Diabetes Nurses has announced that Nurse Prescribers, (nurses who have had extra training and can prescribe from a list of authorised medications), who work in particular roles, now have a wider range of rele...

August 26, 2024

City Mission making a difference with their food gardening, supported by Gardens4Health

It's lovely to see reports of the difference being made at City Mission through having their onsite food garden in operation, and the excellent approach of giving out kits to encourage people to grow their own food in container gardens.    As well as providing training, pictured here is our Gardens4Health team leader Ali working in the HomeGround rooftop garden (the original post for the displayed photo here.)  More on Gardens4Health involvement in HomeGround experience ...

August 15, 2024

Our newest Lifestyle team member, Marie, introduces herself

Kia ora everyone! I'm excited to share that I've recently joined Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa here in New Zealand. Originally from a small town near Berlin, Germany, I pursued my dietitian degree at the University of Greifswald, where I developed a strong passion for nutrition and health.My journey to New Zealand has been a blend of professional growth and personal adventure. During my gap year in 2017, traveling through this beautiful country, I deepened my passion for nutrition and health. It ...

August 1, 2024

Making healthy kidneys a priority

The Kidney Society team is small, but they do amazing mahi providing support to people (and their whanau and supporters) living with kidney disease in the community.  Manager of Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa, Karen Pickering, met with the new CEO of The Kidney Society, Kath Eastwood, for a discussion which was as inspiring as it was sobering.     Although damage to the kidneys potentially has multiple causes, it is a well known complication associated with diabetes.  &nbs...

July 25, 2024

Travelling, security, and diabetes

This came across the desk recently from NZSSD.   It was an excellent reminder that people with diabetes have extra considerations when travelling.  Some of the questions that might be asked include what restrictions are there around medications (or syringes/CGM/other), are things different locally versus internationally, how do you manage going through security scanners and x-rays, and what tips are there for safe and stress-free travel?  Diabetes NZ have a page of general ad...

July 23, 2024

Trusted Websites

The following is a non-exhaustive list of organisations and sites that can be useful sources of information.  Some have resources or run health education/health promotion activities. Diabetes New Zealand - A national organisation which has information for people with diabetes in New Zealand.  The extensive website has some resources and information and they have subscription based magazine service.  There are affiliated branches around the country, an example is the ...

June 3, 2024

Congratulations Doctor Cassie

We are so excited for, and proud of, our team member Cassie Slade.  Thanks to her amazing mahi she has graduated this year with a PhD in Human nutrition.  Cassie is responsible for the GetWize2Health schools part of the Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa Lifestyle programme.  What's even more amazing, Cassie has now gone back to studying, undertaking a Dietetics Masters Degree at Massey University. We are in AWE of her commitment, congratulations from all of us!...

May 30, 2024

The South Auckland Diabetes Summit returns for 2024

After not having had a kanohi ki te kanohi or face-to-face event for a couple of years (the last two were online) we have fantastic news.  We have confirmed a date for the 2024 South Auckland Diabetes Summit with venue and exact time (evening) to come. Go here to register your interest and check for details, and watch our Facebook page as we confirm updates. There is information on the previous Summit's here

May 7, 2024

Presentation at NZSSD - renal disease in young adults with type-2-diabetes

Congratulations to Kanchana Perera for an excellent oral presentation, "Risk of renal disease progression in young adults with type-2-diabetes" at the 2024 NZSSD conference in Christchurch last week.   The abstract describes young adults in Aotearoa New Zealand with Type 2 Diabetes as being at high risk of Diabetic Kidney Disease. The study compared the characteristics of New Zealand European, Māori, and Pasifika young adults (aged 18-40 years) based on a composite Urine Albumin:Creat...

May 6, 2024

NZSSD Conference 2024 - Christchurch

Another excellent NZSSD (New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes) meeting, held this year in Christchurch at the beautiful Te Pae Christchurch events centre.    There were plenty of excellent sessions, in particular some fantastic up and coming researchers and presenters.   It was great to spent time looking at and talking about some of amazing mahi being done around the country.   Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa had two posters and a presentation delivered by ou...

May 6, 2024

Richard Main and Gardens4Health - Auckland Council video

This lovely short video from the Community Innovation team at Auckland Council.   It provides a two minute peek at some of the mahi of Richard Main in his role leading Gardens4Health, and talks to representatives of three of the Community Gardens -  Sanctuary Mahi Whenua, Dig-it Community Garden and Headway Garden.  Richard talks about the importance of community gardening, and that the team work with over 100 gardens across Tamaki Makaurau.   As described in the bl...

April 23, 2024

He Whenua Rongo - Indigenous Seed, Soil and Food Sovereignty Symposium

Ali and Tania from the Gardens4Health team attended the He Whenua Rongo - Indigenous Seed, Soil and Food Sovereignty Symposium, at Papatūānuku Kokiri Marae in Mangere.  Here they learned more about the principles of Hua Parakore, a kaupapa Māori (Indigenous) system and framework for growing kai, based on the infinite richness and wisdom of whānau and hapū. There are six key Hua Parakore kaupapa (principles) that we can work with in the māra; whakapapa, wairua (livi...

April 23, 2024

Strategic Planning Meeting 2024

Last Friday was another high energy annual strategy planning session for the Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa Board of Trustees.   Thanks to the team at Previously Unavailable for being amazing hosts and providing such a cool venue for the intense discussions that went on among our enthusiastic Trustees.   Present were Chair John Baker, and Board members Graham King, Henry Kozac, Fale Lesa, Ruby McGill, Gerhard Sundborn and Kate Vennell, as well as Clinical Director Kate Smallman...

April 8, 2024

We have a YouTube Channel

We've finally sorted out somewhere to keep our video content all in one place.    Our YouTube channel will soon start being loaded with videos...some historical gems (did we really look like that!), as well as exciting new content and links to content we've thought was useful.   Go here to check it out Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa video content...

April 3, 2024

The GetWize2Health Manual...latest incarnation

Hot off the press is the latest version of the GetWize2Health (GW2H) 'Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity teaching resource' for secondary schools.    Congratulations to Schools Facilitator Cassie who has put a huge amount of mahi into this over at least the last 6 months.  The curriculum supporting resource has now been updated, using feedback from schools and the latest research to make sure it's fit for purpose, acceptable and usable for the ever changing secondary school e...

April 3, 2024

Professor Simmons - Inaugural Chief Medical Officer for Diabetes Australia

Our congratulations to our very own Professor David Simmons, original founder of Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa in South Auckland back in the 1990s, and current Patron.  He's been appointed as the Inaugural Chief Medical Officer for Diabetes Australia, starting the role officially in April 2024.  Press release here.   ...

April 1, 2024

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) funding for individuals with Type 1 Diabetes

Here's some important things we can all do as advocates to support the ongoing vital campaign to get Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) funding for all people living with Type 1 Diabetes. This includes the following: - Sandra Braithwaite from JDRF suggests approaching your MP with flyers (see three attached for download)- The importance of CGM funding for adults should be emphasised- Look at sharing your personal experiences and the impact of delays in CGM funding on you and your whanau.- Share...

March 28, 2024

Gardens4Health Autumn Hui and Pānui

The Gardens4Health seasonal hui are an opportunity for our community of gardeners and organisers to come together to celebrate the successes of the season gone by, to share what they have learned, and to share advice as we prepare for the season to come. Our ngahuru / autumn hui hosted at Headway House brought up some great reflections from the season.  Thank you to all the amazing participants who brought their enthusiasm and knowledge.This year the dreaded drought forecast for Tāmaki has...

March 25, 2024

Celebrating cultural diversity in Manurewa

Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa was proud to be part of the fantastic free community event, Whakanui Te Manurewatanga,  held on Saturday 9th March at Randwick Park, alongside a host of other community organisations.   More information on fliers below.  The event was supported by Manurewa Community Network and Manurewa Local Board, with the aim of the day "recognising cultures, food, fun, festivities and a future for the community of Manurewa".  The event was well atten...

March 25, 2024

Race result - Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa 70.3 Ironman athletes

Karen and Kate were back in the Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa office on Tuesday after a busy few days away for the annual Lake Taupo Ironman. This time they were doing the 70.30 or half Ironman event and they reported back on their experiences, each covering the total distance of around 113km over three disciplines. The day began standing in the dark with over 1000 other athletes, and as the sun started to come there was the wonderful welcome from mana whenua, Tūwharetoa.  Th...

March 6, 2024 Posts 1-25 of 207 | Page next